Friday, December 14, 2012

Historical maps of Austria-Hungary empire

Historical maps are fascinating. You can see how people were thinking, you can see history, partly growth of villages, towns and cities, when you compare it to nowadays.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

AutoCAD MAP3D and Microsoft SQL Server:
2. Installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

 Let's install MS Server which we downloaded in the past blog-post. I have to repeat again and again, ensure yourself that you downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, because Auto-CAD MAP3d supports only this version!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

AutoCAD MAP3D and Microsoft SQL Server:
1. Download MS SQL server

AutoCAD MAP 3D, the GIS application, now supports not only ORACLE server, but Microsoft SQL Server as well. This is great steps for Autodesk and for us, users, either. Users now can work with enterprise industry models on SQL Server, with more powerful and enhanced FDO provider, as they could use it with Oracle systems before. Let's take a few steps forward.
I hope, you can do it! :)

So question is: How to download installation file for Microsoft SQL Server?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

TIP: Draw polyline in AutoCAD from entry in ORACLE

Sometime you just need to draw complicated polyline with lot of vertices in AutoCAD (possibly MAP 3D), but you have all you coordinates saved in attribute with data type SDO_GEOM.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tutorial: StreetView - How to get embed code

If you ask how get StreetView html embed code for your own webpage or blog, let me show! It is not a complicated task. Easy! Do not worry. Everything, that you need to do is, just, follow these steps: