Friday, November 30, 2012

Tutorial: StreetView - How to get embed code

If you ask how get StreetView html embed code for your own webpage or blog, let me show! It is not a complicated task. Easy! Do not worry. Everything, that you need to do is, just, follow these steps:

  1. Insert into your favorite web browser this address: 
    Google Maps URL address
    Google Maps URL address
  2. Hit enter :) to get to google maps I said, it is easy...
    Google Maps
    Google Maps
  3. Zoom in (with scroll, or with navigator on the lefts side of the map): 
    Zoom into place you want to see with Google StreetView
  4. Take a little buddy in orange shirt :)... 
    Google StreetView
  5. And place it somewhere on the map. You should see active places as blue lines (or points), like a blue river ;).
    Place yellow character on the map to view specific place
  6. You are in, wonderful! You are smart! Keep going...
    StreetView, Do you see this beautiful place? This is Zvolen...
  7. On the upper right side of the street view, you can see a little chain icon. If you do not see, you better work on your fantasy! And click on it! 
    StreetView embed code
    Paste HTML to embed in website
  8. Than click onto second textbox and copy this code into your web page, or your blog, this is embed code for your web page:
    View Larger Map

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